I introduced Evan-Moor Learning Line Flashcards to Batman a few months ago and we've had so much fun with them. These flashcards are great for ages 4-7 and target reading, math, and other learning concepts. Each pack of flashcards contains 56 sturdy, full-color cards including an activity card to show you different ways to use them.

Just $4.99 each for ages 4-7!
Here are some fun ways I use flashcards with Batman and also his buddy Tiny Terror:
This is the very first day I ever introduced Batman to multiplication. He totally got it! He worked for over an hour with his flashcards as he grouped his manipulatives. He loved it and continues to work on learning his multiplication facts each week. Not bad for a first grader!
Batman wanted to be timed to see how many flashcards he could get right in one minute. He loves games like this!
For every right answer, Batman got to stack a block. When he was done he tried to shoot it with his nerf gun. It's a boy thing!
Flashcards are a good way to give mommies a break when you need a few minutes away from teaching!
Here is Richie's friend, Tiny Terror using the Color and Shape cards. He's matching some color manipulatives to his color coded flashcards and also saying the name of the color. Tiny Terror is only 19 months old and is doing great!
Here is Richie's friend, Tiny Terror using the Color and Shape cards. He's matching some color manipulatives to his color coded flashcards and also saying the name of the color. Tiny Terror is only 19 months old and is doing great!
I recommend these flashcards as a wonderful learning tool for your child. These are great to use in the car, waiting in line at the store, and for a change in your classroom routine. I love that each card is in color and that the cards are very durable.
I received a copy of the above mentioned product to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed. All opinions are my own. Your results and opinion may vary.