My Little Pony: Party of One App Review

Pinkie Pie and her friends in My Little Pony: Party of One is an interactive tale about the magic of friendship. Who throws better parties then Pinkie Pie? Having just finished one celebration, Pinkie Pie sets off to invite all of her favorite ponies to a new party. Suddenly though it seems like all of the ponies are busy. Join in the investigation as Pinkie Pie visits her My Little Pony friends looking
for clues.
Well "My Little Friends" Maddie and Lucy" loved it! These girls were not quite readers. There were two options on how to hear the story. The story could be read out loud by the app or the child could do it themselves. Also, words could be highlighted to help with comprehension or vocabulary. The story was fun and I loved the bright colors!! As soon as we were done with it they wanted to read the story again!!
*Totally cute app!
*Children can easily tap to hear the story read to them or they can read it.
*Highlighted words help with comprehension and vocabulary.
*Parents can track their progress.
I thought the price was a bit steep for $2.99 when it was just a story.
Playdate Digital is an emergent publisher of high-quality, interactive, mobile educational software for children. Headquartered in New York City, PlayDate Digital's products nurture children's emerging literacy and creativity skills by turning digital screens into engaging experiences. Designed in collaboration with leading preschool education experts from insights gleaned from years of extensive research, PlayDate Digital content is built in partnership with some of the world's most trusted global brands for kids and developed and published for iOS and Android devices.